The Fourth of July always makes me think a little beyond the physical and legal dimension we live in and more about the spiritual dimension of freedom that Christ has provided for us.
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (Galatians 5:1 - NIV).
Paul is writing to Jews who were once under what he termed as 'slavery' here. The slavery was to the law of the Old Testament which was a predecessor to the freedom and grace that God provided to followers of Christ after his death and resurrection.
The law was only a forerunner, Paul says, to the freedom that grace has provided for Christians during the time of the New Testament (now).
The law was an unending litany of rules and regulations that one had to observe in order to be 'right with God.' However, the only thing the law could do in the end is to reveal to us that it's impossible to keep the law in all of it's completeness.
Therefore, God sent Christ to completely fulfill the law, thus making Him innocent... and then, to sacrifice Himself on our behalf. The way we are able to enjoy what Christ did for us is to simply believe in the work He has performed.
However, there are many individuals who cannot believe that faith is all they need in order to find cleansing for their sin and enjoy the benefits of Christ's work. So, they add works to their faith, which puts them in the position of DOING something in order to obtain salvation.
This would be almost the same as America winning its freedom from Great Britain and then, surrendering to them. Would that make any sense at all? Of course not.
Why do we feel that we need to do something in order to merit God's free gift of salvation? Give money to charity? Crawl on our knees? Grovel? Become a missionary to deepest, darkest Africa?
You see, none of these things are wrong, in and of themselves. It's just that you can't buy salvation from God. It's been provided.
So, what do we do with this freedom God has provided to us? We celebrate it. We thank Him for it. And most of all, we nurture and cherish the relationship He has provided for us through it.
But we don't go back to a system that does't work in providing salvation for us. We need to enjoy the freedom that Jesus has provided for us, in fulfilling ALL of the Law on our behalf.
Are there ways in which you try to add works to what Christ has provided for you? Is God speaking to you about needing to accept His 'Declaration of Independence' from the Law?
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