Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Your Cheatin' Heart (Part 3)

As we watch another national figure sink deeper into a quagmire where he may have to resign his seat in Congress, we are reminded why cheating is such serious business (in this case, it may not even involve a physical relationship with someone. Only indecent pictures texted via social media).

People in high profile in our nation are facing serious consequences for their actions. A former Governor is currently having to face a several million dollar divorce - a pro golfer has lost millions in marketing support for having multiple affairs. There are serious consequences for failure in the faithfulness department.

What usually takes the greatest beating when there is unfaithfulness, however, are the relationships men have with those who mean the most to them.

I believe that most men who cheat think about the consequences of their actions, but feel a sort of invulnerability about being caught. In other words, they think about what possibly could happen, but don't really believe it will.

That is why the devastation is so pronounced when the truth finally comes out.

And that's why some men take chances... foolish chances that can cost them untold heartache and agony.

A wise pastor I knew at one time, who is no longer with us, used to say this often... "Sin will always take you farther than you want to go... make you stay longer than you want to stay... and make you pay more than you want to pay."

We as men need to ask ourselves often, "Are moments of pleasure worth a lifetime of pain?"

And let me say, I know there are many men who practice faithfulness in their lives and marriages, and they should be greatly commended. However, I have been so caught off guard by men who have been caught in an affair. It has taught me that there is NO one who is immune to this temptation.

If you have failed in this area, there is redemption. If you are tempted in this area, there is provision. And if you have hurt someone, there is always the possibility of reconciliation.

As Jesus said, "...the things which are impossible with men are possible with God" (Luke 18:27 - NIV).

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