Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is Pleasure Wrong? (Part 2)

One of the words the Bible uses for the word, pleasure, is carnality. The word 'carnality' is translated from a word in the original New Testament language (Greek), which is, sarx. The word is literally translated as, the flesh.

An example of how God views the flesh is found in this passage...

"Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God" (Romans 8:1 - 7 - NIV).

This passage is not referring to our physical flesh. That would be the word, soma, or, body.

Sarx has more to do with unbridled desire and wanton passion. The 1960's had a term that described sarx very well... "If it feels good, do it."

The hard part about understanding this is, not all things that can fall under the heading of carnality are intrinsically wrong. For instance, sex inside of marriage is right, but outside of marriage, it's wrong. Eating is necessary. Overeating is not only wrong, but harmful to the body.

There are several problems with giving into the carnal or fleshly nature...

First, the more you feed it, the greedier it gets. In other words, feeding the fleshly nature with what it wants only tends to make it want more. So, if you think, "Well, I'll just appease it this time and then it'll go away," you are badly mistaken. Appeasing it only makes it want more.

Second, there is something called the law of diminishing returns. Once you start feeding a carnal passion or desire, it not only wants more, it starts saying, "This is not enough. I am bored with what you are feeding me. I want something with more taste... something with more feeling... something far more provocative!" It starts getting bored with the same old thing. It wants to go deeper into the realm of experience.

Third, it tends to divert attention away from worthwhile pursuits.

Fourth, it often damages relationships and causes hurt and pain due to the focus it gives to the self. Carnality is all about me, me me and not about others.

Finally, in the end, it leaves you unsatisfied and strips you of your real feeling. Individuals often go deeper into carnal delights, trying to enjoy the original rush of pleasure that they first experienced, only to find that it is no longer achievable.

What are some ways in which you have experienced this in your own life? Have there been any 'deadening' of passions due to pleasure seeking? Have you ever experienced a broken or hurt relationship due to focusing on carnality? What type of pleasures do you feel are appropriate as a Christian?

As always, please feel free to leave a comment.

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