Monday, May 30, 2011

The Raging Beast Within (Part 2)

I would like to say that pornography isn't a problem in the Church. However, that evidently is not the case.

In one of my pastorates, a parishioner lent me his truck while my car was being worked on. I noticed a hesitancy on his part as I drove off. Something inside told me there was pornography under the seat of the vehicle. I pulled over, reached under the seat - and sure enough... there was a porn magazine lying there.

I scheduled a meeting with the man in my office and we had a long, prayerful talk about the situation.

It appears that viewing pornography is quite pronounced among Christians according to this 2008 Christianity Today article - Click here.

What exactly is wrong with viewing porn?

The most glaring fault is that it gives approval to the lewdness and fornication that is being performed by the models, actors and actresses. A person viewing pornography is giving their ascent to what is being carried out before the cameras. It says, "I agree with what is going on in this photo or video."

Second, it lends support to an industry that promotes illicit behavior. People at the top of the this industry are raking in massive amounts of money promoting it and presenting it to the masses.

Third, it creates an unrealistic ideal in one's mind as to how a man's or a woman's body should look - and how it should perform.

Fourth, it replaces a man's natural interest in his wife's physical appearance. Men who view pornography regularly tend to lose interest in their wife's appearance. When they stop viewing it, they become interested again.

Fifth, it generates lust that is not acted out in a loving and appropriate way with one's spouse. The Bible is very clear... sex outside of marriage is either adultery or fornication - even if it is only in the mind.

In the case of my parishioner, he repented and established regular accountability with me in his struggles with porn. Interestingly, his wife, who was quite overweight, lost several pounds and became very trim and attractive.

How do you struggle in this area? What types of safeguards and accountability have you put up in your life in order to keep yourself unstained by pornography? Can you add anything to what is wrong with pornography?

As always, please feel free to comment below.

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