Thursday, May 5, 2011

Oh, My Papa - Part 5

So, if you're a Christian, how close are you to God?

From the little I've studied about Freud, he believed we develop our impression of God from our fathers. To some degree, I believe this. I think there's some credence to the idea that male figures in our lives make an impression on us about who God is.

Was your father strong, loving and wise? If what I said above is true, you are very fortunate. Was he wimpy and whiny? Or was he domineering and overbearing? Abusive? Withdrawing? Fearful? Namby-pamby? So-so? Jealous? Funny? Ridiculous? Brawny? Jovial? Brash? Devil-may-care? Brave? Silly? Angry? Gentle? Creative? Artistic? Handy? Practical? Quiet? Loud?

Whatever impression we have of our earthly dads, we need to be careful not to limit our understanding of God to either their strengths or weaknesses.

As much as we might admire our earthly fathers, God is greater still! As much as we might fear or loathe their behavior, God is perfect and not given to earthly faults or flaws.

Some men are fearful of God. Others are unimpressed. Still others are in awe.

How many of you know that there are feminine images of God in the Bible as well? The Bible describes God as 'laboring in childbirth,' and 'brooding as a mother hen over her chicks.' How do you feel about that? Is it awkward or does it comfort you to know that God describes Himself with those qualities?

What are your thoughts about God? I'd love to hear what you have to say... even from the ladies who visit here.

Please feel free to share your thoughts below.

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